Hello, My name is Mahfuz Ali Shuvra. I am a Bangladeshi student currently continuing PhD in Electrical Engineering at UNC Charlotte, USA.
I came in Germany under a student exchange program between my University and KIT. Today I will share my experience about getting the German Visa from USA.

According to rules, You have to apply for a Schengen Visa to enter Germany. I applied for a Short term stay visa at the German Consulate office in Houston Texas.
The Required documents are:

1. Photo – 2 copies. (details in website)

2. Application Form-2 copies (available in website, search for the short stay visa application form)

3. Health insurance for the intended stay (at least worth 1,00,000 euro worth)

4. Accomodation in Germany (address)-if not available then place friend’s or relative’s address.

5.Travel Plan (Air ticket)

Go to the German consulate office website and schedule an appointment. Please do it as soon as possible after getting the offer letter from the University (for my case it’s KIT)

Best of Luck!!


By Shuvro

আমার নাম মাহফুজ আলী শুভ্র। বর্তমানে PhD করছি electrical engineering এ University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), USA তে। থাকি Charlotte, North Carolina তে। দুটো M.Sc আছে-একটা বুয়েট থেকে Power Electronics-এ আর একটা UNCC থেকে Renewable Energy Resources Integration এ। আন্ডারগ্র্যাড করেছি বুয়েট EEE থেকে। চাকরি করেছি University of Information, Technology and Sciences (UITS), Bangladesh-৪ মাস, লেকচারার পদে; Daffodil International University, Bangladesh-এ ৮ মাস,লেকচারার পদে আর Power Grid Company of Bangladesh Limited (PGCB)-তে Assistant Manager(Technical)পদে প্রায় ২.৫ বছর।

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