Aronno Shaurav
By the grace of Almighty God, I have got my German Visa.
I am sharing my application timeline, visa interview experience, and profile. Because the previous post of this type was really helpful during my application period.
Application Timeline:
Uni Assist Document Submission: 09 October 2018
Uni Assist Payment: 12 October 2018
Got Offer Letter: 21 November 2018
Taking Visa Interview Appointment: 21 November 2018
Applied for Dormitory: 21 November 2018
Opening account in Fintiba: 21 November 2018
Getting FIntiba account details: 26 November 2018
Opening Student File: 6 December 2018
Health Insurance: 6 December 2018
Transfer Money to Fintiba: 9 December 2018
Getting Confirmation from Fintiba: 11 December 2018
Visa Interview: 23 December 2018
Visa Decision Mail: 16 January 2019
Visa Collection: 17 January 2019
Visa Interview Experience:

I have my appointment at 8.30. I reached at embassy gate at 8.00 am. At 8.15 am, my name was called in the security box. I have shown my passport and went inside for security screening. After that, I went to the interview rooms. It was looking like cash counter of a bank to me :P. Then a security lady gave me a list of rearranging the papers. I have arranged everything from my home so that I just take a look and check again. After 1 minute my name was called from counter number 6. It was the most left counter and quite separate from others. I went there and greet the Visa Offer. He was a young gentleman with short spike looking hair and french cut beard. He asked one set of photocopy documents along with my passport. After that, he told me, “Please wait in the waiting room for a moment. I am entering your data”. I came back to my old seat and started waiting with anxiety. The security lady also asked me what happened? Why I am waiting there. I told her and she assured me that everything is ok.
After 10 long minutes (Feel like 10 hours) the VO again called my name.
Me: Good Morning Sir.
VO: Good Morning. This is your passport. I have put a seal in it with the visa type, today’s date, and your application ID. This is not a visa. You have to bring this when you get the mail from us. And this is our mail id, you can mail us for any inquiries.
Me: Ok sir.
Then VO gave me my passport collection receipt and asked me to check the spelling of my name. After checking he asked to pass BDT 7100. Then he gave me a wet tissue to wipe my hand and took my fingerprint. After that, he asked for another set of document photocopy. Then he types for 2 minutes.
VO: What is your HSC year and GPA?
VO: What is your graduation year and CGPA?
VO: Did you get 6.5 in IELTS exam?
VO: Which university are you going?
VO: In which SUbject?
VO: How many semesters you have to complete?
VO: Do you know about your total credit?
VO: Do you know about the city, you will live?
VO: How Many times it takes to reach there from Stuttgart?
VO: Only 30 Minutes?
VO: Oh ok. Did you apply for any other university?
VO: Which course?
VO: What is their reply?
VO: WHat is your future plan?
VO: Will you apply for Ph.D.?
VO: Who is sponsoring you?
VO: What does he do?
VO: In which city?
VO: Do you have any siblings?
VO: What does he do?
VO: Where did he complete his bachelor?
VO: Which Subject?
VO: Ok, thank you. We will inform you later about the visa decision.
Admitted University: Nuertingen Geislingen University of Applied Science
Subject: International Master of Landscape Architecture
Bachelor’s University & Program: Bachelor of Architecture from Khulna University
B.Arch CGPA: 3.34
Passing year: February 2017
IELTS Score: 6.5
No publication.
Keep me in your prayer, please.