কোথায় হেলথ ইনস্যুরেন্স করব তার ডিটেল লিস্ট জার্মান এমব্যাসি বাংলাদেশে দেয়া আছে। সবসময় আপডেটেড সোর্স এর জন্য এই লিংকে ঘুরে আসবেন। বলা তো যায় না, কখন কোন কোম্প্যানি ব্ল্যাক লিস্টেড হয়ে যায়। নিচে হেলথ ইনস্যুরেন্স নিয়ে আমার অভিজ্ঞতা তুলে ধরলাম সবার জন্য। ধন্যবাদ।
Few days ago, I did my Travel insurance by Dhaka Insurance Limited. I must say, they are very good people, will prepare and deliver you the insurance within 1 hour(30 minutes, if you are lucky!), provided that you bring all the necessary documents(Actually, only 3 docs required). Now, First, let me give the contact number of the person who handles this type of insurance. Mr. Jahangir 01713335425
Call him and tell him you want to do Student Health insurance for 3 months for going to Germany.
Location of Dhaka Insurance:
While going from Doinik Bangla to Shapla Chottor, it is just before shapla chottor, on left side. It is the building of Amin Mohammad Foundation, called, “Amin Court”. It is on 8th floor.
Required Documents(No attestation necessary)
1.Offer letter photocopy.
2.Photocopy of Passport.
3.A consent from “ANY” MBBS Doctor on his presciption pad, stating that,”You have no physical injuries/complications and You are fit for travel”(This document gave me the most difficulties to acquire, but I will tell you about it later)
Required Money: 7221tk(Still, call Mr. Jahangir and confirm about it), for 3 months.
The Money Has to be paid by Pay Order, by Any bank. Better you do it in a bank where you have an account, then it will take less time+less service charge. But, Any bank can to that, but the bank charge would be slightly more(like 200/300 tk). You should use “Dhaka Insurance Limited” on the payee name.
About setting the starting date of Insurance:
Say, You are gonna fly on September 20th, you can start your insurance from september 10th. Like that.
About Medical Certification:
This cost me so much time! First, I went to several Hospitals. They said, they don’t do such types of things, as, they don’t know if I am really fit. To prove them, they wanted to give me diagnostic tests. Later, they suggested me to go to local pharmacy doctors or, the best would be to go to personally acquainted doctor(পরিচিত ডাক্তার, আরকি!). I then made that from my local pharmacy by 200tk.
So, just call Mr. Jahangir(he will note down your particulars, like name, where are you going and tell you the amount of money and required documents), make the Pay order, get the medical certification, take the photocopy of offer letter and passport, then go to Dhaka insurance. That’s all.Thank you! Keep me in your prayers.চিন্তিত ছেলে।
[gview file=”http://www.dhaka.diplo.de/contentblob/1808788/Daten/4524399/Merkblaetter_Krankenversicherung_Download.pdf”]
লিখেছেনঃ হাসিবুর রাহমান
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As per recent experience, apart of just passport copy, nothing else is required.
Can you please write your experience on our blog? Thanks.
Sure, would love to but, nothing much to write about it actually 🙂
I called 2 of the prominent companies (Green Delta & Progoti maybe), both said only passport copy is needed, and for 14 days it takes around 2,000 taka.
I knew someone from Jibon Bima Corporation, hence felt comfortable doing it from there, 4643 taka for 90 days.
Just write what and how you did it and put the latest info. for others. No worries!