JSMC offers a PhD program(with fellowship/বৃত্তি) based on M.Sc. degrees and seeks to attract highly motivated PhD students from various scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, medical sciences, earth sciences, and bioinformatics.

JSMC provides a structured, interdisciplinary, research-oriented PhD program. This is based on extension of existing cooperative research, involves non-university research institutions and includes the direct involvement of companies, with exchanges of results in collaborative PhD projects. The education of young scientists within JSMC is based on top-level fundamental research in microbial communication.

How to become a JSMC Doctoral Researcher

Central elements of doctoral training at JSMC are:

  • Cross-disciplinary PhD research projects that are situated in the tension zone between basic research and industrial application
  • Promotion of research stays abroad, participation in international conferences and in collaborative projects to give PhD students(with fellowship/বৃত্তি) early international experience and help them network internationally
  • Comprehensive training in ‘transferable skills’, e. g. scientific publication and presentation, acquiring research funds, etc.
  • Close supervision by a team of mentors to ensure that the students achieve the goals of their PhD projects efficiently within three years.


Hans-Knöll-Institut Jena • Leibniz ScienceCampus InfectoOptics
Katja Präfcke
Beutenbergstr. 11a
07745 Jena

Mail: [email protected]

তথ্যসূত্রঃ daad.de


By টিম জার্মান প্রবাসে

আমি জার্মান প্রবাসে! আপনাদের সাথে ছিলাম, আছি, থাকব! :)

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